Joy Over Bliss: Embracing Simple Pleasures in Life

"Follow your bliss," a phrase that became all the rage thanks to mythologist Joseph Campbell, sounds great on paper. But is bliss an outdated concept? Something daunting and maybe even unattainable? In our busy, bill-paying lives, what about just finding joy?

I know this is a throwback, but bear with me; remember when Eat Pray Love was everywhere? You couldn't walk into a bookstore without seeing Elizabeth Gilbert's face promising us all a path to enlightenment through pizza, prayer, and…um, more pizza. Gilbert's story of globe-trotting self-discovery inspired many to dream of leaving their daily grind behind. But let's face it—most of us can't just jet off to Italy to eat gelato on a whim. We've got rent, car payments, and a suspiciously persistent houseplant to care for.

So, instead of chasing the idea of elusive bliss, how about we focus on joy? It's simpler, more accessible, and you don't need a passport. The Pixar movie Inside Out does a brilliant job of showing how joy can coexist with other emotions in our messy, beautiful lives. This kid's film reminds us that joy is always within reach. Joy isn't about erasing sadness, fear, or anger but finding those bright moments amidst the chaos. If a little cartoon emotion can teach us about the importance of joy, surely we can find ways to weave it into our lives.

Take a moment to think about what genuinely makes you happy. Is it painting, hiking, binge-watching food videos, or maybe dressing up your pets in ridiculous outfits? (Hey, no judgment here.) Finding ways to weave these little joys into your daily routine can make a world of difference. As Cheryl Strayed once said, "You have to find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible" (Strayed, 2012). Hopefully, that place will have something more fun than just paying bills and attending meetings.

But what if there's never a "right time" to pursue joy? Spoiler alert: there might never be a perfect moment. Life is unpredictable, like trying to fold a fitted sheet. Instead of waiting for the stars to align, start small. Sprinkle bits of joy into your daily grind. Maybe it's dancing in your kitchen, taking a five-minute break to breathe deeply, or calling an old friend just to laugh about the newest viral meme.

Do you deserve more than just a compromise? Hell, yes! Following your joy instead of your "bliss" isn't about settling. It's about creating a life that feels true to you, even if it involves some sacrifices. It's about making the most of what you have and finding happiness in unexpected places. Remember, we don't always get the answers, but that's part of the adventure. Life's uncertainties can be like trying to find the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle—it's frustrating but oh-so-rewarding when you finally get it.

Chasing joy is a deeply personal journey that doesn't require a dramatic life overhaul. It's about finding ways to incorporate what you love into your everyday routine, making the most of your circumstances, and being open to change. Maybe bliss is outdated, but joy? That's timeless.

So, go ahead—take that first step, no matter how small, and start creating your joy today. You might just find that life's a lot more fun when you do.

And if you need a bit of help along the way, Corasama is here to sprinkle some joy into your journey. Whether it's planning a team-building event or curating experiences to brighten up your work life, we've got you covered. At Corasama, joy is more than just a goal—it's a core value. Because we believe that "Joy Matters."


Campbell, J. (1988). The Power of Myth. Anchor Books.

Gilbert, E. (2006). Eat Pray Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia. Viking.

Strayed, C. (2012). Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar. Vintage.


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