What Happens When You Widen the Circle of Inclusion at Work?

Imagine walking into your office daily, feeling like you’re part of a family. Not the kind of family that argues over who left the dishes in the sink, but the kind that genuinely supports and uplifts each other. That’s the dream, right? Creating a culture of belonging at work might seem like a tall order, but it’s more attainable (and fun) than you think.

Belonging matters. Research shows that employees who feel a sense of belonging are more engaged, motivated, and likely to stick around. A 2020 study by BetterUp found that these employees are 56% more productive and take 75% fewer sick days. Plus, who doesn’t want to work in a place where they feel valued and connected?

One of the easiest ways to widen the circle of inclusion is to start with the basics: say hello. It sounds simple, but greeting your colleagues can set a positive tone for the day. It’s like spreading a little sunshine with each “good morning.” And if you’re working remotely, a friendly “Hi!” in the chat goes a long way. Getting to know your coworkers is another crucial step. Forget the boring “What do you do?” questions. Instead, dive into the fun stuff. Ask about their favorite movie, what they’d do if they won the lottery, or even what kind of superpower they’d choose. These conversations help build connections beyond work tasks and deadlines. Finally, creating shared experiences is where the real magic happens. Organize activities that bring people together in a relaxed, enjoyable setting. How about a potluck lunch where everyone brings a dish from their cultural background? Or a monthly “Show and Tell” where team members share something they’re passionate about, whether it’s a hobby, a pet, or a recent trip. Office Olympics with silly games and prizes can also be a hit. These moments create memories and inside jokes that strengthen bonds. Remember, the team that laughs together stays together.

However, it’s crucial to remember that widening the circle means meeting people where they are. Not everyone enjoys the same type of interaction, and pushing someone to engage in uncomfortable ways can backfire. Encourage participation but respect individual preferences to avoid alienation. After all, forcing introverts to participate in a spontaneous dance-off might lead to some awkward shuffling and a sudden fascination with the exit sign.

Quoting the wise words of Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Making your colleagues feel valued and included creates a positive, lasting impact.A study from the Harvard Business Review shows that fostering a sense of belonging can lead to a 50% reduction in turnover risk and a 167% increase in employer net promoter score. Happy employees who feel they belong are not only more likely to stay, but they’ll also become your company’s biggest advocates.

Widening the circle of inclusion isn’t about grand gestures. It’s about the everyday actions that make people feel welcome and valued. So, let’s create a workplace where everyone feels like they’re part of something special.

At Corasama, we specialize in fostering belonging and togetherness within your team. Let's build something extraordinary together.


BetterUp. (2020). The value of belonging at work: A BetterUp® analysis. Retrieved from https://www.betterup.com/resources/reports/the-value-of-belonging-at-work

Harvard Business Review. (2020). The value of belonging at work. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2020/12/the-value-of-belonging-at-work


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